
  • Adrian Sorin MARIAN ”Bogdan Vodă” University of Cluj-Napoca Author



The quality of law enforcement is determined by the quality of the people who do it. The quality of these professionals is given by the quality of their education. It follows that the education .of people from law enforcement is decisive in the legal act. A problem would be that these learners are adults. The quality of adult education and the particularities of this education must be taken 
into account. Quality management is also applied in education. KEYWORDS: the bases of legality, adult education, public services, quality of public services, quality management system, implementing quality management in MAI schools. 
J.E.L Classification: K1, K14, K21, K33 


The quality of law enforcement is determined by the quality of the people who do it. The quality of these professionals is given by the quality of their education. Students in such schools are adults.We started from the level of common perception, and also from the results of some studies and concluded that in Romania aggressiveness of some groups has drastically increased, the street safety has decreased, and the severity of events and accidents is alarming. Police officers (who,according to some opinions, have large effectives) are now better supplied with modern equipment.The institutions that have responsibilities in the order area have increased, yet they are not able to handle the crime phenomenon well enough. For all these reasons, but also for many others, public satisfaction with the quality of officials in the public order and safety system is at a very low rate.

What happens in the schools of this system is likely to offer an answer, and also to give a solution to this situation. A feature of this particular area and its schools is that, although their students officially and legally become officially and legally police officers and gendarmes after graduating the exam (when the distribution is made and after the contract is terminated), the candidates admitted to such a school, after two years of study have the certainty that, after two years of study, will be employed in the system. In other words, the selection of people for the profession is made at the admission phase. This fact and feature led us to focus our attention over the quality of the education system in the segment of public order and safety. The quality of a public service depends on various factors, not only on human resources, but there is an order of priorities and an intensity of deficiencies. 
In this system, the most serious problems, frequently reported by customers / citizens were those related to the quality of its component individuals, being a direct observation and also the result of previous research that motivated the own study which we believe provided us useful information. Helpful and effective because  is normal to want a community satisfied with its police, a force with suitable people, with profile schools whose students enjoy what they do and passionate teachers that have the opportunity to prepare committed students. 

According to the legislation, public order is represented by state of legality, balance and social peace, corresponding to a socially acceptable level of respect for the rule of law and civic behavior.  
Public safety, according to the same regulatory framework, it represents „feeling of calmness and confidence that is provided by the police service (state institutions) for measures to maintain public order and safety, the degree of personal, communities’ and property safety, as well as to achieve the partnership between civil society and the police in order to address community issues, defense of rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens " 
Romanian Police has the following organizational structure: General Inspectorate of Romanian Police - GIRP(Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române - IGPR); territorial units subordinated to the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police; General Directorate of Bucharest Police (Direcţia Generală de Poliţie a Municipiului Bucureşti) and county police inspectorates; educational institutions for the formation and training of personnel; other units required to fulfill specific  police duties established by law. 
The public order and safety system represents all structures that can act aggregate or individual to provide and maintain the public order and safety but by law the polices service gains a major dominance of the field. 
The notion of service quality, presentation of the results of different approaches in specialized literature sometimes in comparative manner, in terms of importance and quality of service characteristics revealed the existence of determining relationships between service performance and the quality management system implementation. 
I completed the presentation of this topic by analyzing examples about "perceived quality of public order and safety" using data from various sources but mainly from four directions. Firstly, meaningful and stimulating seemed an example of implementing the quality management in the Swedish Police, development and use of a special quality index to which I added selected data from 
the National Institute of Criminology in a study of dimensions of violence in certain areas of Bucharest. However depictions of segments of the population from the rest of the country were needed so in this matter useful was the study of the territorial authority of the Public  Order Cluj  about attitudes and representations of the population towards Cluj County police and in order to have a national panorama we have highlighted the most recent national data available from "National Strategy for  public order". 
It is pointed out that institutions as important as those of public order and safety have serious problems in the way they are perceived by their customers. One of the main problems when educating adults is that we have to implement quality management. The police school from Cluj stood out at the national level by obtaining certifications regarding quality management, even if until now these certifications were not obtained in the actual educational activity. Taxpaying citizens have an additional argument for the implementation of the quality management system.

The quality management system gives importance to the most relevant approaches such as systemic treatment and the eight classical principles of quality management. Key aspects of the system, management responsibility, resource management, quality system structure and documentation are presented with reference to education and public order systems. The structure and  documentation of the quality system is introduced in this chapter and the two components, the quality manual and the quality management system procedures, have been detailed. 
It was pointed out that in some places the quality manual in public services as well as several other quality documents raise a number of problems. Consequently, in Romania there is no serious experience in the development of the quality manual. In public services provided by public institutions, most of the time, procedures and work instructions reflect more and, in particular, refer to what should be done, to a greater extent than what is being done. That is why we can say that the customer will benefit more from the Quality Manual than from the service itself. 
Among the key aspects of the system, human resource management was interesting because of the two major sides of organizational interest, personnel selection and training. Moreover, human resources were given special attention during the work. 
The SR EN ISO quality standards, which are in fact permanent benchmarks and the operational elements of the quality system, were examined separately: service need identification, schematic process, provision process, analysis and improvement of the service result. 
As mentioned above, human resource management issues in organizations belonging to public order and safety system received special attention due to the socio-economic conjuncture. The perception of human resources as dynamic, complex structures continuously adapting to the requirements organizational environment is a desideratum  to improve the quality of these services. Methods of recruitment, human resources selection, the career and promotion of public officials and assessment practices are illustrated and argued along with examples of selection systems in several countries. 
With the  intention to avoid uncertainty and weak validity of a single evaluation and selection technique most European countries use combinations of techniques that are applied together as part of the selection events, generically known as assessment centers. These events may take between1-3 days just for a test  and candidates on a post or a place at a police school, can be tested through a variety of techniques such as exercises in perception, communication exercises, structured interviews, personality inventories, questionnaires on specific topics or  thinking tests. 
Attention to admission to such school should be high because in principle places are allocated in such a manner that all graduates theoretically can be employed in the system. In the world, every country, land, police structure and institution may have its own system of selection. Comparative analysis may reveal, however, that several general principles apply in broader sense to achieve the common goal of selection: choosing the best, most suitable and well trained people for the profession of policeman. 
The exemplification does not claim a rigorous study but simple enumeration of some different kinds of admission and selection system and is more than interesting and can generate questions. Data that was used was obtained from partnerships and contacts that police schools in Romania have with foreign educational institutions. For example, only the agent school from Cluj has partnerships with schools in nine different European countries and over 40 other exchanges of experience with similar institutions in the world. Also, data was collected through attachés of "interior", Romanian police officers working in other countries, obtaining information about 21 such institutions, of which I have selected some that seemed more interesting, not necessarily contrasting with what happens in Romania. However, the contrast is simply a parallel between systems but steps are under way for such comparisons to be made at the institutional level within the ministry, because the differences are striking. 
In Romania, the admission test consists of the following stages: psychological exam, medical exam, physical fitness test, theoretical knowledge test. The knowledge test is conducted in the form of a test with multiple answers - 2 hours, the following subjects: Romanian language; / History (Police Academy only) / foreign language. The sports exam is highly criticized by some and consists of completing a sports route with various obstacles. The undeclared intention is to reduce the percentage of girls among the adult students in the Police School. 
Especially now, due to the reductions in the background of the economic crisis, there is a review of the staff in the public sector. The number of staff increased a few years ago, unjustifiably, and about this phenomenon, perhaps it would be of interest in future articles, "Challenges of the reform of human resources management in public organizations" followed by "Current problems in the management of human resources in the structures of public order and safety' in current affairs. 

The obligation to generate greater optimism in the capacity and performance of Romanian schools at the European/global level and the need to "restore trust in education" (the title of the national strategy), constitute the auspices that address the particularities of the quality system, of management in education. Introducing some new elements that entered the Romanian society after 2007 (accession to the EU), by connecting the local dimension to the values of European education, I explained the concept of the actuality of education, using aspects of the diachronic evolution of the Romanian educational system. 
The coordinates of the contemporary national school in evolution and some successful moments of the Romanian education which was compatible in structure with the European one, through the implementation of the Bologna cycle. Taking as a starting point the explicit wishes of European documents related to quality assurance, milestones and important moments were identified in the introduction and materialization of the concept of quality in education, at the level of education systems in European countries and therefore in Romania. 
The flexibility, the ability of the organization to learn from others and to introduce change and innovation once the internal and external circumstances are encouraging are vital for improving the efficiency of public organizations in Romania motivating for detailing the "excellence model for quality in European education" element that can contribute to the implementation of quality 
management and which is the subject of the next section is decentralization with its characteristics, objectives and inevitable obstacles. 
However, as the decentralization process (EU rules for that matter) is more developed, the requirement at national level for viable, uniform and consistent quality assurance systems to avoid the potential negative effects of decentralization would be even greater. 
However, as the process of decentralization (EU rules for that matter) is more developed, so is the requirement at national level for viable, unitary, coherent quality assurance schemes to avoid the potential negative effects of decentralization. Now the processes and actions of favoring, the implementation of quality management in the educational environment are recorded where the  schools are positioned and described in detail in the educational landscape of this system. 
The "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy Bucharest is the higher education institution that is composed of all the faculties corresponding to the public order and safety system, but most of the employees, approx. 85%, come from specialized schools, colleges. 
Post-secondary education in the public order and safety system consists of two police schools that differ in capacity, number of personnel and resources. 
"Vasile Lascar" Câmpina Police Officers School - the unit with the longest tradition and the largest capacity for tuition and accommodation of over 3000 potential students and "Septimius Mureșan" Police Officers School Cluj-Napoca the newest of the schools and the newest. which stood out with the most competition on the spot (7-10 a few years ago). Unfortunately, this competition has decreased a lot, which shows that the profession is no longer so attractive for young people. 
MAY the specializations are completed with four other post-secondary schools. 
The "Avram Iancu" border guard school Oradea - but in most European countries, the Border Police is included in the national police, a phenomenon expected here.
Non-commissioned officers of the "Grigore Ghica" Dragășani Gendarmerie School and non commissioned officers of the "Petru Rares" Fălticeni Gendarmerie School - the gendarmerie has a tradition in Romania. 
"Paul Zăgănescu" Boldesti Firefighters and Civil Protection School for Non-Commissioned Officers - the profession of firefighter is the most respected in the system because, by excellence, firefighters save lives and punish less.
The process of learning in MAI schools described in this chapter incorporates the unification and standardization effort, which has in its structure units of competence - key, general, specialized and constitutes a serious premise for quality management, being compatible with the European norms. 
One of the great challenges of the educational system of public order and safety is the euromodular transition of 2008, which provides greater labor market adaptability. In this way are acknowledged a set of competencies (general or key) as levels of training in many professions and functions. 
For example, proficiencies that include notions of law, firing instruction and physical training instruction, in the case of social retraining could be recognized in several areas of the police, gendarmerie, army, border police, emergency structures, prison administration, etc.. 
The main directions of reforms in European curriculum of these schools of the public order and safety system are: education for all, relevance of curriculum for the individual and society, development of desirable attitudes and values, development of abilities, critical thinking, concern for appropriateness of training to the needs of each individual, maximizing individual potential, learner
centered teaching and learning, holistic assessment of performance.

The theoretical research has also focused attention on the basic legal acts regarding quality assurance in education, followed by an analysis of its implementation stage at the national level. 
The connection to European values and internal needs require the creation of a "national quality management system in Romanian education", which is regulated by "Emergency Ordinance no. 75/12.07.2005 "regarding "Assuring the quality of education", which will be approved with additions and changes next year by" Law no. 87/13.04.2006 "for" the approval of the Emergency Ordinance 75/2005 regarding the assurance of the quality of education". In this way, the necessary legislative implementation of the quality management system was established in the entire Romanian educational system.  
The most important is the Pre-University Education Law no. 198/2023. In this law, among others, shows how post-secondary schools comply with the quality management requirements of the MAI, the actual organization of the quality management system at the end of the chapter makes the jump to the empirical study, but also makes some conceptual clarifications. 
Thus, public services, even more so in public order and safety, and especially the police and the specialized education system, should focus their attention on customers. Who are the customers? 
First of all, the police structures where these adult students who will finish school will end up, but in the end the community and each of us will be the beneficiaries of a quality police education system. 
Like in any other systems to better clarify the elements, even in the educational system of public order and safety we can talk about "stakeholders" – groups of interest.
Adapted to this system we can take the analysis of several groups:
- providers - colleges that provide for public order and safety schools with high school graduates who are potential candidates representing quality value added for them; 
- product-users (students and prospective students from the schools of police, gendarmes, etc..),for those that quality means excellent - they seek to benefit from quality educational services, so that graduates are provided with better opportunities for their career and being able to graduate at a prestigious level; 
- recipients (operative structures for public order and safety, particularly the county inspectorates branch, state and society as a whole) who are interested in quality in terms of suitability for a purpose, being interested in training for specific skills functions; 
- Employees of the education system MAI – the didactic and administrative staff, they interpret the quality of observing a set of clear rules of conduct, under the auspices of ethical principles.
The costumers of the educational  scheme in public order and safety system. 
A systematization of  categories of customers can be done. 
•  Primary customers: those who directly benefit from educational services ,the students for schools under consideration; 
•  Secondary customers: parents, county inspectorates gendarmes, police, emergency management systems, other operational and administrative structures that have an interest about the competence of individuals; 
• Tertiary Customers: with an interest less direct but very important that builds public order and safety system, such as communities, society as a whole but as individual entities and citizens, the system of government.

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